At Sapphire Window Cleaning in Tulsa, OK, we do more than make windows sparkle. We help businesses shine from the ground up. Our parking lot pressure washing services are designed to keep your property clean, inviting, and safe for everyone who visits.
A parking lot is often the first thing customers and clients notice about your business. Over time, dirt, oil stains, gum, and debris can accumulate, leaving a negative impression. With years of experience and top-of-the-line equipment, our team specializes in transforming parking lots into spotless, well-maintained spaces that reflect positively on your brand.
Using advanced pressure washing techniques, we remove tough stains, grime, and buildup from asphalt and concrete surfaces. Our methods are effective yet environmentally conscious, utilizing the right balance of water pressure and eco-friendly detergents to ensure a deep clean without causing damage. Whether it’s a small lot or a sprawling parking area, we have the expertise and resources to handle jobs of any size.
Regular parking lot power washing doesn’t just enhance curb appeal. It also promotes safety. A clean lot reduces the risk of slips and falls caused by slippery residues or loose debris, creating a safer environment for visitors. Additionally, removing harmful substances like oil and chemicals helps extend the life of your pavement, saving you money on costly repairs down the line.
At Sapphire Window Cleaning, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service tailored to your schedule. We work quickly and efficiently, minimizing disruptions to your business operations. With our commitment to quality and attention to detail, we ensure your parking lot looks its absolute best.
Elevate your property with our parking lot pressure washing services. Contact Sapphire Window Cleaning today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help your business make a lasting first impression. Let us handle the dirty work while you focus on what you do best.
Typically, aim for power washing once or twice a year to maintain cleanliness and appearance, depending on factors like foot traffic and location.
Power washing can clean various exterior surfaces such as sidewalks, parking lots, building exteriors, entryways, and dumpster areas effectively.
Sapphire uses eco-friendly techniques and detergents, ensuring responsible and safe power washing that meets regulatory standards and minimizes environmental impact.
With a year of service under his belt, Steven has yet to see a challenge he hasn’t been excited to meet. Whether it be a window that seems to be out of reach or a car that won’t start, he’s ready. After a long day at work, he’s ready to relax with pizza and games with his son.
Skylar really knows how to show our customers that he cares. His fastidious nature only allows for excellence. Skylar is a big fan of Asian food and video games and we are big fans of Skylar.
Born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Michael has been an asset to our team for about a year. He is a great team player and is always ready to do an amazing job. When he’s not helping us out, he’s spending time with his family and friends and enjoying home-cooked pot roast and potatoes.
Mario has been pressure washing for Sapphire for 3 years now. His attention to detail and passion for his work is unmatched. When Mario isn’t pressure washing, he’s teaching his son how to fish and they take jujitsu classes together.
As our technician manager, Josh leads effortlessly. He has been with us for 5 years and knows all the ins and outs of Sapphire excellence. Josh paints and builds hyper realistic anime models in his free time and enjoys eating snow crab.
Hailing from Puerto Rico, Jimmy has been an asset to our team the last year. When he’s not doing great work, he’s playing basketball and video games, and enjoying mofongo, an original Puerto Rican dish.
JD has been in this industry for 20+ years and even had his own window cleaning company. We have since come together in business and he has become our Quality Assurance Manager. He does a great job at keeping us all in line and entertained with stories from his days as a drummer in a 70’s rock band.
With 10 years of experience under his belt, Dylan is the one you want on your project. He is calm, cool, and collected and always knows exactly how to take care of business. When he isn’t cleaning windows, you can find him in the pool hall or at the fishing hole.
Chaz is one of our star residential window cleaners. With 7 years of experience, not much can phase him. When he’s not making someone’s day at work, he’s moonlighting as a drummer or snacking on honey buns.
Originally from Wilburton, Oklahoma, Anthony has been a great addition to our team this last year. He works hard and he plays hard by taking long rides on his motorcycle, wrestling with his niece and nephew, and jamming to music.
Alton has been a favorite with our customers for over 10 years now. With his infectious smile and attention to detail, he’s exactly who you want cleaning your windows. In his free time, you can catch him scoring on the basketball court and eating pizza.
Adam is your go to guy for all new Sapphire Services. His dedication to making sure your needs are met are unmatched. Adam knows exactly what it takes to get the job done with almost 30 years of sales experience. If he’s not zipping around town in his Tesla, he’s out at his family’s farm or maybe even (recreationally of course) playing poker.